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Blackmore Welcomes 3 Apprentices


3 new apprentices at Blackmore, with Simon West Commercial Director
Front row from left to right: Michael Cobb, Bailey Medlen and Mateusz Sapko. Back row: Simon West, Commercial Director of Blackmore Ltd.

We are delighted to announce that we have taken on 3 new apprentices at our growing environmentally-friendly printing company.

The three new apprentices are Mateusz Sapko, Apprentice Pre/Press Digital Operator; Bailey Medlen, Apprentice Bindery Operator; and Michael Cobb, Apprentice Machine Manager. Our company employs a total of over 60 members of staff across our Shaftesbury and Reading sites, including the 3 new apprentices and 2 members of staff who completed their apprenticeships in 2018.

The government set up an annual Apprenticeship Week scheme to ‘highlight the exceptional work being done by employers and apprentices across the country’ and is encouraging employers to promote the outstanding work their apprentices have been involved in over the past year. The scheme also aims to highlight the many benefits apprenticeships bring to businesses of all sizes.

Our new apprenticeship roles span at least 24 months for each apprentice. They spend 20% of their time over the course of the apprenticeship on “off-the-job” training, which takes place during normal working hours. The training is provided by the British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF), of which Blackmore is a member. Although starting their career at Blackmore as an apprentice, they are taken on as permanent members of staff, so once they complete the apprenticeship, they will be highly trained employees in their chosen field.

Carol Wright, Compliance Administrator at Blackmore, said “According to the BPIF, the average age of the UK print workforce is 43 years old. So it’s essential for us to recruit young employees to lead us forward into the future. We are also always keen to encourage staff onto an Apprenticeship who have lots of experience but may want to improve their skills. The BPIF trains our apprentices – they are the leading printing and manufacturing training provider, so they understand our business inside out.”

Bailey Medlen, who is Blackmore’s new Apprentice Bindery Operator, added “Since starting as an apprentice at Blackmore, all of the staff have been extremely welcoming in making me feel like a part of the team. I have learnt life skills and workplace skills that will be a part of my life forever.”

Andrew Robbins, Managing Director at Blackmore said “We are delighted to welcome three new apprentices into our

business. Over the course of the next 2 years or so, they will learn new skills, or enhance existing ones, so that they become highly trained in their specific areas. This not only helps with their own self development, but also adds to our in-house expertise, so we can continue to provide our growing roster of customers with a trusted, high level of service.”

To find out more about Blackmore, click here.

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