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2022 Print Trends

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

We asked Blackmore’s Andrew Robbins (MD) and Anthony Birkbeck (Sales Manager) for their predictions for the top 2022 print trends every marketer, designer and print buyer needs to know. Read on to find out more…

What can we learn from 2021?

As we emerge from the pandemic, it is clear that certain changes in our customers' marketing strategies that were largely already underway have been sped up, through necessity.

High volume, low value, commodity print has been on the decline for a number of years.

However, the effectiveness of a well thought out, targeted print campaign is now better than ever at cutting through the digital noise and providing an excellent return on investment, even during the pandemic.

What 2022 print trends can we expect to see?

1. Shorter, more frequent print-runs

We expect to see shorter and sometimes more frequent print-runs as the need for companies to be nimble with their marketing and react to sudden changes in the economic landscape becomes more acute. As a result, we feel flexibility is a key requirement.

2. Use of Tactile Materials

In order to make the best of companies’ marketing budgets and for print projects to really stand out, we predict that more print campaigns will make use of tactile products. Examples include using unusual substrates such as textured papers or incorporating a range of decorative finishes such as UV coatings, embossing and foils.

3. Increased Recyclable Packaging

The recyclable packaging market is continuing to grow. With organisations looking to move away from single-use plastics, recyclable cardboard alternatives provide an excellent option. Examples include artisan food producers looking to create well designed, ethically produced packaging for their tasty foodstuffs.

4. More Personalised printed products

The personalisation market continues to grow, as consumers come to expect more tailored offerings. In fact, personalised marketing, above generic marketing collateral, is capable of delivering 31% greater profits and boosting customer loyalty to over 40%. Personalised printed items include greetings cards, children’s books, wallpaper and wall art. Digital presses, used for personalised printing, are increasingly complimenting the litho sheetfed markets in terms of quality, size and run lengths.

5. Continued Ethical and Sustainable Print Preferences

Businesses and consumers are more aware than ever of climate change and trying to limit the impact they have on the environment. This is translating into more environmentally-focussed marketing campaigns, and working with suppliers that are more ethical and sustainable in their approach. Customers are turning to printers, like Blackmore, for sustainable materials, accredited by the FSC, recycled papers and carbon offsetting for suitable campaigns.

6. Choosing a Printer That Uses Less Energy-Intensive Equipment

With raw material and energy costs on the rise, finding an efficient print company in order to keep print costs under control is key. For example, Blackmore's state of the art equipment boasts low-energy drying and the latest technology, which helps mimimise both the time and waste involved in the setup and 'make-ready' process.

7. More Targeted Campaigns

As companies are being more mindful of their budgets, mailing lists have been cleaned more rigorously, resulting in less wastage in printed direct mail campaigns.

8. More Interactive Campaigns

We expect campaigns to be made more interactive and entertaining, encouraging quick responses and immediate access to information by including a QR code. The use of a QR code is a simple way of unifying the offline and online world.

9. Choosing a Format to Fit within Postage Categories

With increased postage costs, more brochures and packaging will be designed to fit within postal bands and weights. Designer/ printer collaboration will be key going forward to make printed items as cost-effective as possible.

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About the Authors:

Andrew Robbins (Managing Director) and Anthony Birkbeck (Sales Manager) have collectively worked at Blackmore printers for over 34 years. They know their printing onions!

About Blackmore:

Since 1900, Blackmore has carved out a reputation as one of the UK’s leading green printers.

Blackmore is very well placed to meet the changing requirements of today. Its broad range of capabilities include hybrid and conventional sheet-fed presses, high-quality digital for shorter runs, cold-set web presses for uncoated and newspaper style products and a wide range of different finishing options.

Blackmore also meets the requirements for producing food packaging using low-migration inks and food-safe processes.

Do you have a print project to discuss? We’d love to help

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